December 9, 2019
Deirdre Conlon
Introduction: A 66 year old male patient who is a paraplegic for many years admitted with a pressure sore to the left hip. Initially...
Liezl Naude
A 63 year old female presenting with a hard-to-heal polymicrobial chronic wound on the right lateral leg. Previous history of bilateral forefoot...
December 6, 2019
V.A.C. VeraFlo ™ Therapy with two different types of fillers in temporal succession in the management of an infected venous vascular lesion of the...
Alison Sims
Published: 4th December 2019 Author(s): Chris Paton, Alison Sims & Leanne Gane Case Study: This case study followed the care and treatment of...
December 3, 2019
Jerneja Vidmar
This is a case of a 75-year-old male with an extensive chronic venous ulcer of the right cruris that covered approximately two thirds of his right...
Miloš Potkonjak
Author: Miloš Potkonjak, MD; General Hospital Novo mesto (Slovenia) CASE STUDY chronic wound – Syndroma Leriche, ...
Mark Kim
Mr Mark Kim, Clinical Nurse Educator, St Vincent’s Hospital Introduction: This case study highlights the effectiveness of negative pressure wound...
November 18, 2019
Martine Vrijs
On Nov 26 2018 a 95 year old female is admitted due to a wound on the dosal side of her left foot, caused by trauma due to wheelchair (image 1). The...
Yolandi Van Deventer
Introduction: Chronic wounds refer to wounds that fail to progress through an orderly and timely sequence of repair, where healing has not been...
Stéphanie Des Rosiers
Abstract Abu Dhabi 2020: CLINICAL STUDIES INCLUDING CASE SERIES AND CASE REPORTS Stéphanie Des Rosiers, RN, B.Sc., NSWOCC CHUM (Montreal...
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