December 6, 2019
Alison Sims
Published: 4th December 2019 Author(s): Chris Paton, Alison Sims & Leanne Gane Case Study: This case study followed the care and treatment of...
Traïka Desmet
case study KCI Authors:Traïka Desmet, Heidi Weedaege: Wound care nurses, BelgiumIntroduction:On November 20 2019 a 86 year old female is admitted...
December 3, 2019
Jerneja Vidmar
This is a case of a 75-year-old male with an extensive chronic venous ulcer of the right cruris that covered approximately two thirds of his right...
Guerriero Frank
Summary A 59yo female underwent explantation of an infected ileo-femoral bypass with deep femoral vein harvest for reconstruction. This was...
Leonardo Monte Razo
Leonardo Monte Razo Plastic surgeon Fluminense Federal University Professor Coordinator of the Plastic Surgery Service at Hospital Rios...
Mark Kim
Mr Mark Kim, Clinical Nurse Educator, St Vincent’s Hospital Introduction: This case study highlights the effectiveness of negative pressure wound...
November 18, 2019
Yao Huang
Introduction Necrotising fasciitis is a rapidly progressing often polymicrobial infection of the subcutaneous tissue and underlying fascia and is...
Audray Lafortune
Introduction: We often wait to start V.A.C. therapy or we hesitate about which option is the best for the patient. In this case, we used many of the...
Maria-Andreea Nagy
Introduction In our Department of Visceral Surgery, we provide medical care to a broad range of disease patterns One of the most challenging...
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